Sanko University, established by Sani Konukoğlu Foundation in 2013 as a thematic university in the field
ofhealth, aims to train health care professionals through education enabled by the technological and
hardinfrastructure as well as the experienced and dynamic team.SANKO University, which started education
in2014, offers associate, undergraduate and graduate degrees in 2 campuses by 2022-2023 academic
year.Atthe undergarduate level, there are two faculties: Medicine and Health Sciences. Health Sciences
Facultyconsists of Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation,
andDepartment of Nursing.The Institute of Graduate Education has contributed to the lifelong education and
development process of the society by providing postgraduate education to students with an analytical
mindset, who are capable of adapting to todays technological developments, with a capacity of successfully
blending these developments with medicine and other disciplines. The Institute of Graduate Education started
its operation in 2015 with Master programmes in Nursing and Molecular Medicine. In the academic year of
2018-2019 three more programs were included namely Master programme in Physiotherapy and
Rehabilitation with Thesis, the first and the only doctoral programme in Biostatistics provided within a
foundation universities in Turkey, and the interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Sciences Masters with
Thesis as a first in Turkey in the field of science and engineering. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the
Medical Microbiology Masters Progra was opened, and in the 2021-2022 academic year, the Anatomy
Doctorate program, Nutrition and Dietetics Masters Program and Medical Biochemistry Masters Program
started admitting students.In the Vocational School of Health Services, which started education in
2019-2020Academic year, there are four programs: Operating Room Services, Firt and Emergency Aid,
Anesthesia andMedical Imaging Techniques.