KARAKAMLAR Aerospace and Defense Industry Inc. was established in 2014 in METU Teknokent. Since 2017, the company has been active in Ankara Teknopark. The products and services of KARAKAMLAR, which is a research and development company operating in the Turkish aerospace and defense industry, have been used with satisfaction by the leading institutions of the defense industry in Turkey.
The products of KARAKAMLAR are: manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, center of gravity measurement systems, gimbal balancing systems, moment of inertia and mass properties measurement systems, defense industry equipment and subsystems, motor test systems, aircraft design software, manned aircraft project and manufacturing of tailored brushless motor and carbonfiber propeller.
The services provided by KARAKAMLAR are: system engineering and consultancy, development of test systems, electronic and mechanical designs, structural design and analysis, aerodynamic analyses and aeroelastic calculations, simulator development, engineering software, rapid prototyping, manufacturing, assembly and maintenance.

Manyetik Algılayıcılar (Magnetic Sensors)

Yapıların Aktif Kontrolü Amaçlı Mikro Algılayıcı Sistemleri (Microsensor Systems for Active Control of Structures)

Yenilikçi Sensörler (Innovative Sensors)

Ataletsel/ Yerçekimsel Cihazlar (Inertial/Gravitational Devices)

Cihazlar ve Elektromekanik Yapılar (Devices and electromechanical Structures)

Giyilebilir Teçhizatlar (Wearables)

Elektrik/Elektronik Tasarım (Electrical/Electronic Designs)

Mekanik Tasarım (Mechanical Designs)

Mekatronik Tasarım (Mechatronic Designs)

Yapısal Tasarım (Structural Designs)

Seyrüsefer Sistemleri (Navigation Systems)

Uzay Aracı Ekipmanları, Nec (Space Vehicle Equipment, Nec)

Aircraft Center of Gravity Measurement System

Center of Gravity Measurement System

Center of Gravity Sensitive Measurement System

Moment of Inertia and Full Spectrum Mass Properties Measurement Systems

Propeller and Motor Test Systems

Motor and Power Unit Test Systems

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