INORES was founded in 2010 to provide customer oriented, problem specific innovative
engineering solutions. INORES offers advanced engineering solutions including sofware, equipment
and services by their specialist and talented engineers. It has professional experience in Computer
Aided Engineering (CAE) more then 17 years. INORES offers a wide range of lightweight, efficient and
low energy consuming mechanical designs and renewable energy solutions. Our aim is to
disseminate the use of advanced engineering products and techniques in these areas, and to
contribute to the production of high technology products in Turkiye. INORES provides comprehensive engineering solutions for advanced engineering applications. Important areas on which we focus are Simulation Driven Enginering Design and Composite Engineering. It offers integrated computer aided engineering technologies and specific-to- problem solutions, which are commonly used in industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Energy, Transportation and Machinery. By establishing cooperation with leading companies, we provide
solutions in a wide portfolio ranging from concept design to mass production.

Eklemeli İmalat Ekipmanlar, Yazılımlar (Additive Manufacturing Equipment, Software)

Modelleme ve Simülasyon Çözümleri (Modelling and Simulation Solutions)

Sistem Mühendisliği ve Entegre Sistem Tasarımı (Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design)

Havacılık Ve/Veya Havacılık Mühendisliği (Aviation and/or Aeronautical Engineering)

Eşzamanlı Mühendislik ve Azaltılmış Tasarım Döngüsü (Concurrent Engineering and Reduced Design Cycle)

İleri İmalat Teknolojileri (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies)

İmalat Süreci Simülasyonu (Manufacturing Process Simulation)

Akışkanlar Dinamiği Teknikleri (Fluid Dynamics Techniques)

Aerodinamik Tasarım (Aerodynamic Designs)

Balistik Tasarım (Ballistic Designs)

Çevresel Koruma Tasarımı (Environmental Protection Designs)

Düşük Görünürlük Tasarımları (Stealth Designs)

Elektrik/Elektronik Tasarım (Electrical/Electronic Designs)

Yapısal Malzemeler - Eklemeli İmalat (Structural Materials - Additive Manufacturing)

Yapısal Malzemelerin Tahribatsız Muayenesi ve Ömürlerinin Uzatılması (Non-Destructive Evaluation & Life Extension of Structural Materials)

Active Thermography System

Automated Composite Manufacturing

Robotic Cell

Acoustic Drilling

Metal Additive Manufacturing

Composite Milling

Wind Farms (CFD)

Only our member companies can benefit.

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