Akdoğan Teknoloji A.Ş.

Akdoğan Teknoloji has been providing consultancy services to domestic and international markets since its establishment and fulfills the requirements of the software business packages it has received. Akdogan Technology mainly works in the fields of Defense Industry, Unmanned Systems, IoT and Web Technology and provides consultancy and software services on Embedded Software Development, Web Development, Cloud Applications, Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence applications in these fields.

Bilgi ve Veri Füzyon Teknolojisi (Information & Data Fusion Technology)

Veri & Bilgi Yönetimi Teknolojisi (Data & Information Management Technology)

Bilgisayar Yazılım Sistemleri Analiz ve Tasarım (Computer Software Systems Analysis and Design)

Özel Bilgisayar Programlama Hizmetleri (Custom Computer Programming Services)

Yazılım Mühendisliği (Software Engineering)

Yüksek Bütünlüklü ve Emniyet Kritik Sistemler (High Integrity and Safety Critical Computing)

Büyük Veri Analitiği (Big Data Analytics)

Endüstriyel Nesnelerin İnterneti Platformu (Industrial Internet of Things (ioT) Platforms)

Servis Bulut Platformu, Güvenlik ve Mahremiyet (Service Cloud Platform, Security and Privacy)

Yenilikçi Sensörler (Innovative Sensors)

İnsansız Kara, Deniz ve Hava Araçları (Unmanned Land / Sea / Air Vehicles)

Ağ Yönetim Sistemleri (Network Management Systems)

Nesnelerin İnterneti (Internet Of Things)

Komuta Kontrol Bilgi Yönetimi (Command Control Information Management)

Komuta Kontrol Görev Planlama (Command Control Mission Planning)

Komuta Kontrol Sistemleri (Command & Control)

Komuta Kontrol Mesaj Altyapısı (Command Control Message Infrastructure)

Komuta Kontrol Yetkilendirme Altyapısı (Command Control Authorization Infrastructure)

Platform Komuta Kontrol Yazılımları (Platform Command Control Software)

Gömülü Yazılım Güvenliği (Firmware Security)

Nesnelerin İnterneti Güvenliği (Internet of Things (IoT) Security)

Veri Güvenliği (Data Security)

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